What are Pink Diamond Engagement Rings?

When it comes to engagement rings in Pittsburgh, a white diamond is normally the classic choice as they are beautiful, timeless, and unique. But for those women who want something that stands out a colored gemstone is the way to go.

There is nothing more elegant, feminine, and romantic than a pink diamond. This rare gemstone is certainly worth the investment and makes up only 1% of diamond production worldwide.

Pros and cons of pink diamonds

Pink diamond wedding bands in Pittsburgh are rare and this is what makes them so special and desirable. Many people pick these diamonds because of their beautiful colors of light, subtle pink to a bright hot pink which comes in a range of saturation.

Like white diamonds, pink diamonds are durable which makes them excellent for bridal jewelry. They are tough and only another diamond can scratch your diamond, these beauties are known for their brilliance, high dispersion, and pretty hues along with strength.

The only downside to these pink diamonds is the cost, since they are extremely rare they are very pricey and even if your pink diamond has low clarity, they are very expensive compared to other colored or white diamonds.

The Takeaway

Pink diamonds can be found at reputed Pittsburgh jewelers and you need to take care of it the same way you would with any other diamond ring. Ensure you pick a setting that is sturdy so your stone doesn’t fall out. Taking care of your pink diamond will allow it to last for years to come.

If you are considering a pink diamond for your engagement ring then head over to your local jewelry store and do a bit of research.

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