The jewelry you wear not only showcases your style and personality but can either pull together or take away from your entire look. This is why it’s so important to not only choose the right custom jewelry in Pittsburgh but to keep your pieces looking their best.


Here are some tips to keep in mind when it comes to cleaning your jewelry.


Make your metals shine

Yellow gold, rose gold, white gold and silver are great options that can blend in seamlessly with any outfit. You can either take your pieces to a professional jewelry store in Pittsburgh to clean, repair, and maintain from time to time or clean your pieces at home between professional cleanings.


You can ask your jeweler to recommend you some products to clean your precious metals that are safe and affordable or you can simply make a solution of warm water and gentle detergent, soak your metal band for a couple of minutes and then gently scrub it with a soft-bristled toothbrush.


Once this is done, simply rinse it under the tap and dry it with a soft microfiber cloth. Metals like gold and silver need to be re-plated once a year, however, if you are looking for something more durable, invest in platinum, tungsten, or titanium bands.


Keeping gemstones clean

When it comes to gemstone custom jewelry design in Pittsburgh, always check your gemstone’s hardness before you decide to clean them.


Gemstones like diamonds, rubies, amethysts, and emeralds are tough and can be cleaned with a solution of warm water and a gentle detergent, rinsed, and dried with a soft microfiber cloth.


However, other gemstones like moonstones, turquoise, jade, or opals are delicate and soft and it’s always recommended that you give them to a professional to clean as certain cleaning agents and abrasives can break down, scratch, or ruin these gemstones.


The Bottom Line

Once you understand how to clean your pieces, you can keep your favorite jewelry new and bright so that they stay in the best condition for years to come.